Frequently asked questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
When is the best time to start treating my lawn?
There is never a wrong time to start a programme of lawn care. The fact that the programme will
be tailored to your lawn’s needs means that treatment will be designed to provide year round lawn care for every season.
How long will it take for my lawn to look healthy?
In normal circumstances you’ll see an improvement within 7-10 days.
Why can’t I apply the same products and get the same results?
The products GreenWay use are only available to professionals, they are not available to the public, and achieve far better results than those you might choose to buy. Our professional technicians are NPTC trained and licensed.
Are pets or small children in danger from the treatments?
Once we have applied liquids you should keep children and pets off your lawn until it is dry. Lawns are usually dry in fifteen to twenty minutes, and then it’s perfectly safe to enjoy the lawn in the normal way.
Do I need to be at home when you call?
All treatments will be scheduled with you in advance. So, if you have agreed to the visit and we can gain access to the lawn you will not need to be present unless you wish to be.