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United Kingdom

01206 704 705

GreenWay is an established family owned business offering a bespoke treatment service for lawns and paddocks in Colchester, North Essex and surrounding areas. 



Greenway Grass Care offers a lawn scarification service to help keep your lawn healthy in Colchester, North Essex and surrounding areas.

Lawn Scarification

Greenway Grass Care offers a lawn scarification service to help keep your lawn healthy in Colchester, North Essex and surrounding areas.

Lawn scarification is a mechanical raking process removes large quantities of moss and thatch from the lawn allowing the area to dry more easily due to the increased air flow around the grass plants. Whilst quite a brutal process a lawn scarified in the early part of the new year will soon recover into a superior condition once the grass starts to grow in the early spring. 

This is a great way of removing dead grass and moss from lawns allowing them to breath, to dry out and to make space for grass plants to spread and become thicker. If treatments are kept up this wil typically only require doing once every 3-5 years.


Why choose us?

  • Family owned and operated serving hundreds of homes in your area.
  • All treatments are pay as you go with no contract or commitment.
  • NPTC qualified and experienced staff. Fully insured.
  • We will not apply treatments in unsuitable weather conditions, such as drought.
  • No watering necessary. Safearound children and pets. 

or call us on 01206 704 705