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United Kingdom

01206 704 705

GreenWay is an established family owned business offering a bespoke treatment service for lawns and paddocks in Colchester, North Essex and surrounding areas. 


Moss in grass

GreenWay Grass Care offers lawn moss treatments to contain and prevent moss growth in Colchester, North Essex and surrounding areas.

Moss in Grass

GreenWay Grass Care offers lawn moss treatments to contain and prevent moss growth in Colchester, North Essex and surrounding areas.

Many lawns suffer with moss. Poor drainage, shade, and low sward density call all contribute to moss growth. Greenways approaches moss in 2 ways. We apply both liquid and granular moss killer at both ends of the season. This allows us to stop moss growth in the autumn with the final treatment of the season and knock back any small amounts of moss which may have crept in over a particularly harsh winter. In extreme cases scarification is used to mechanically remove moss and dead matter thus making the treatments more effective for subsequent treatments.


Why choose us?

  • Family owned and operated serving hundreds of homes in your area.
  • All treatments are pay as you go with no contract or commitment.
  • NPTC qualified and experienced staff.
  • Fully insured.
  • We will not apply treatments in unsuitable weather conditions, such as drought.
  • No watering necessary. Safearound children and pets. 

or call us on 01206 704 705